+8801716208221 chairmanthmtc@gmail.com

BBA (Hons.) in Tourism and Hospitality Management (4 Years)

National University, Bangladesh

National University Act, 1992, Section-46

Regulations for BBA Honors in Tourism and Hospitality Management Program (Effective from the session: 2015-2016)


  1. Introduction: The National University BBA Honours in Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM) program equips students with the skills and self-confidence to effectively manage and adapt to a wide range of comparative and constantly changing business environments. The program is designed to provide students with the specialized knowledge they need for entry into the job market along with the theoretical and practical skills essential for a successful career in Tourism and Hospitality.
  2. Admission: Students from all disciplines are to be admitted into the BBA Honours in Tourism and Hospitality Management program in the first year (first semester) in approved colleges/institutes as per policy of the National University through a centrally administered online based admission procedures. After the announcement of the admission notice, intending students should apply in the National University online admission portal. A combined score is developed based on marks in the SSC and HSC examination. Selection will be made on the basis of combined merit score. The detailed procedure of admission and allocation of seats will be determined by the National University.
  3. The Program: Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM) Program will be a fouryear program where teaching and examination of allocated courses for a specific semester would be finished within six months. Students will automatically transfer to the next semester after examination pending the results.  

Duration and credit:  The duration of THM programs is four years divided into eight semesters. A total of 120 credit hours are required for the student in 37 taught courses and viva-voce examination and an Internship with Defense at the end of the fourth year. History of the Emergence of Independent of Bangladesh, a compulsory course will be taught for the students of undergraduate programs of the National University.:

Year  Semester

Common Course

(credit x Course)

Project report & viva voce Total Credit
First year First semester 3 x 5=15 15
Second semester 3 x 5=15 15
Second Year Third semester 3 x 5=15 15
Fourth semester 3 x 5=15 15
 Third Year Fifth semester 3 x 5=15 15
Sixth semester 3 x 5=15 15
 Fourth Year

Seventh semester


3 x 5=15 15
Eight semester 3 x 2=06

Internship report

(6 credits) &

Viva-Voce (3


     Total 37 courses 111 credits  9 Credits 120


Year- wise courses, marks, and credit distribution

First YearFirst Semester
Course Code Course Title Marks Credits
510901 Introduction to Business 100 3
510903 Fundamentals of Tourism and Hospitality 100 3
510905 Introduction to Computer 100 3
510907 Basic English Language 100 3
510909 History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh 100 3


First Year – Second Semester
Course Code Course Title Marks Credits
510911 Business Mathematics 100 3
510913 General Science and Environment 100 3
510915 Micro Economics 100 3
510917 First Aid, Safety and Security 100 3
510919 Fundamentals of Management 100 3




Second Year – Third Semester
Course Code Course Title Marks Credits
520901 Hospitality Managerial Communication 100 3
520903 Business Statistics 100 3
520905 Fundamentals of Accounting 100 3
520907 Macro Economics and Economy of Bangladesh 100 3
520909 Business Law and Legal Issues of Tourism 100 3


Second Year – Fourth Semester
Course Code Course Title Marks Credits
520911 Tourism and Hospitality Marketing 100 3
520913 Fundamentals of Culinary Art 100 3
520915 Front Office Operations and Reservation 60 2
520916 Front Office Operations and Reservation (Practical) 40 1
520917 Housekeeping Management 60 2
520918 Housekeeping Management (Practical) 40 1
520919 HRM in Tourism and Hospitality 100 3


Third Year – Fifth Semester
Course Code Course Title Marks Credits
530901 Tourism in Bangladesh 100 3
530903 Food and Beverage Production 60 2
530904 Food and Beverage Production (Practical) 40 1
530905 Food and Beverage Service 60 2
530906 Food and Beverage Service (Practical) 40 1
530907 Food Hygiene and Sanitation 100 3
530909 Tourism Planning and Development 100 3


Third Year – Sixth Semester
Course Code Course Title Marks Credits
530911 Research Methodology 100 3
530913 Tourist Behavior 100 3
530915 Food and Beverage Management 60 2
530916 Food and Beverage Management (Practical) 40 1
530917 Computerized Reservation System(CRS) 100 3
530919 Fundamentals of Finance 100 3
Fourth Year- Seventh Semester
Course Code Course Title Marks Credits
540901 Geography of Tourism 100 3
540903 Community and Cultural issues in Tourism 100 3
540905 Travel Agency and Tour Operations 60 2
540906 Travel Agency and Tour Operations (Practical) 40 1
540907 French Language 100 3
540909 Tourism and Hospitality Entrepreneurship 100 3


Fourth Year- Eighth Semester
Course Code Course Title Marks Credits
540911 Destination Management 60 2
540912 Destination Management (Field Work) 40 1
540913 MICE Management 100 3
540914 Internship (Report and Defense)



540916 Viva-Voce 100 3


  1. Class Lecture and semester: Each 3 credits course will require a minimum 45 class lectures per semester (3 lectures per week), each semester being six months duration. Each semester will consist of about 21 weeks, in which 17 weeks will be kept for class lectures and 1 week for preexamination break and 3 weeks for examination. The duration of the class lecture should not be less than 50 minutes. The teacher assigned for a particular course should plan the lectures accordingly keeping in view the course content to match the available working days excluding holidays. The students are allowed 3 months after their final examination to complete and submit their internship report.
  2. Duration of Registration and Academic Session

The duration of the registration is 7 years where the academic session will be June to July.

  1. Class Attendance

Every student of THM program must attend at least 75% class lecture to quality for sitting in the semester final examinations. Students having less than 75% attendance but more than 60% can be allowed to sit in the examination as non-collegiate students. Rules applicable for the noncollegiate students will be applied to them.

  1. Grading System

The result of a THM student will be determined on the basis of grade point on a scale of 4.00 points along with letter grade. However, to determine the letter grade/grade point, the following range of marks will be considered.

Numerical Grade Letter Grade (LG) Grade point (GP)
80% and above A+ (Plus) 4.00
75% to less than 80% A (Plain) 3.75
70%% to less than 75% A(minus) 3.50
65% to less than 70% B+ (plus) 3.25
60% to less than 65% B (plain) 3.00
55% to less than 60% B (minus) 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+(Plus) 2.50
45% to less than 50% C  (plain) 2.25
40% to less than 45% D  (plain) 2.00
Less than 40% F  (Fail) 0.00


  1. Evaluation

There will be an examination committee for each year of the THM Program.  The single examiner will evaluate the final examination scripts under the supervision of head examiner.

Computation of grade point average will be merging on the basis of the following illustration. (Credit X Grade Point)   GPA=

First Semester



No. of


Grade Awarded

Corresponding    Grading


Points Secured
Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col 4= (Col. 1 X col. 3)
510901 3 B 3 9
510903 3 A 4 12
510905 3 C 2 6
510907 3 B 3 9
510909 3 B 3 9
Total 15 45

Earned Credit (EC) = 3+3+3+3+3=15

CGPA: 45/15=3.00

Second Semester

Course No. No. of Credit  Grade Awarded

Corresponding     Grading


Points Secured
Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col 4= (Col. 1 X col 3)
510911 3 B 3 9
510913 3 C 2 6
510915 3 F 0 0
510917 3 B 3 9
510919 3 C 2 6
Total 15 30

Earned Credit (EC) =3+3+3+3+3=15 CGPA: 30/15=2.00


Cumulative up to date

Total Credit       15+15     30
Total Grade Point secured       45+30     75
Yearly GPA       75/30     2.5
Earned Credit (EC)       15+12      27


  1. Promotion Improvement and Drop-Out
    1. Promotion: Results of two semesters in each academic year will be calculated for promotion to next year (1st year to 2nd year). The student must appear at the semester final examination in all courses and pass at least 80 % of the total courses, for example, 8 (eight) out of 10 (ten) courses with a grade of D or above. Same rules will be applicable for the examination to the subsequent year is 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th
    2. Improvement: A student receiving F grade in one or more courses must attend the improvement examination (s) in subsequent semesters. A student will be given two chances to convert F grade up to B plus. If the student receives a countable grade in his/her first attempt, no further attempt will be allowed. A student receiving C or D grade in one or more courses will get one more opportunity for the improvement in the consecutive semester. In this case, he/she can improve the grade up to the achievement. However, in any case, students will not be allowed to sit for the improvement exam for more than two courses in a semester. Improvement rules will not be applied for in-course, oral (viva voce) and internship grades in any circumstances.


  1. Drop Out: If any student fails to qualify for the degree within the seven academic years including internship (report and defense), he/she will automatically be dropped from the program.
  1. Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction of the program will be in English. Students can also answer the course ‘History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh’ in Bangla.

  1. Examination Rules
  2. There will be two in-course examinations, one home assignment to be conducted by the course teacher. Evaluation of students along with grade is submitted to the head of the department for compilation and subsequent submission to the Controller of Examinations of the National University. The routine for the final examination is spread in such a way that those sitting for improvement and re-taker should not coincide.
  3. All 3 credit courses of 100 marks and marks awarded are as follows:
Particulars Marks Examined/Provided by
First in-course Exam 10 Course Teacher
Second in-course Exam 10 Course Teacher
Assignment and Presentation 5 Course Teacher
Attendance 5 Course Teacher
Semester Final Examination 70 Single Examination
    Total 100


Duration of the semester final exam (70 marks):  The duration of the exam will be of 3 hours and the distribution of marks in the question paper will be as follows:

Part- A short question (such as conceptual/numerical) covering all the chapters of the syllabus 5 question out of 7 6 x 5=30
Part-B board question (such as analytical/descriptive/numerical) 4 question out of 7 10 x 4=40




  1. All 2 credit courses of 60 marks and marks awarded are as follows:
Particulars Marks Examined/provided by
In-course Exam 10 Course Teacher
Assignment and Attendance 5 Course Teacher
Semester Final Examination 45 Single Examination
    Total 60


Duration of the Practical Related Semester final Exam (45 Marks):  The duration of the exam will be of 2.5 hours and the distribution of marks in the question paper will be as follows:



short question (such as conceptual/numerical)             covering all the chapters of the syllabus) 5 question out of 7 3 x 5=15

board       question       (such        as


3 question out of 6 10 x 3=30


  1. Practical Examination and Field Work: The duration of the practical examination will be of 3 hours. The practical examinations have to be conducted by two internal and two external examiners. The external examiners should be the teachers from different Public/Private Universities or relevant Colleges/Institutes of the country. The practical examination will be conducted by the National University. Full marks for practical examination and field work will be of 40 marks for each course. The field work will be conducted and evaluated by the respective course teachers of institutions.
  2. Viva-Voce, Internship (report and defense): Students are required to appear before an oral exam (viva voce) at the end of their fourth year exam. The weight of viva -voce exam will be of 3 credits. In the 8th semester, students will undertake an internship relating to their specialization area under the supervision of a faculty member. The internship will be evaluated by two examiners including supervisor of the student and an external examiner. Students are required to defend their internship report to the examiners after the evaluation. The external examiner will be nominated by the National University.


  1. Disciplinary Measure: Any students adopting unfair means in the examination will be treated as the rules of National University go on.


  1. Establishment of Laboratory and Arrangement of Equipment: Tourism and Hospitality Management is a practical oriented program whereas practical laboratory as well as necessary equipments will be arranged in colleges/institutions for practical purposes. In addition, the students may also get the privilege to practise practically oriented course to their attached (MOU) respective hotels.
  2. Degree Requirements

Students must meet the following requirements in order to earn a Tourism and Hospitality degree:

Total Credits Obtained Performance in the course Time taken Cumulative Grade Point Average The degree to be awarded
120 Credits No F Grade in any course and minimum 2.0 in viva voce Maximum 7 years to complete the degree including internship and defense Minimum 2.25

BBA (Hons) in Tourism

and Hospitality



  1. Amendment of the Rules

The National University may time to time amend the existing rules for the THM program. The university may also make any clarification in regards to rules if needed.

Tejgaon College, Dhaka

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Class Schedule

(Effective from 16/08/2023)

Day Batch Room 9.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 11.30-12.30

4th Batch

5th Semester

757 530901 (JH) 530907 (AN) 530905 (AR)

5th Batch

3rd Semester

751 520903(AS) 520905 (ZH) 520901(JH)

6th Batch

2nd Semester

752 510917 (AN) 510919 (FK) 510913 (JH)

3rd Batch

7th Semester

756 540903 (AN) 540905 (AR) 540901 (JH)

4th Batch

5th Semester

757 530901 (JH) 530909 (JH) 530907 (AN)

5th Batch

3rd Semester

751 520903(AS) 520909(AN) 520907(SA)

6th Batch

2nd Semester

752 510919 (FK) 510911 (SK) 510915 (SA)

3rd Batch

7th Semester

756 540909 (SA) 540907 (IH) 540907 (IH)

4th Batch

5th Semester

757 530905 (AR) practical 530909 (JH)

5th Batch

3rd Semester

751 520901(JH) 520907(SA) 520905(ZH)

6th Batch

2nd Semester

752 510911 (SK) 510917 (AN) 510915 (SA)

4th Batch

5th Semester

757 530901 (JH) 530909 (JH) 530907 (AN)

5th Batch

3rd Semester

751 520909(AN) 520907(SA) 520903(AS)

6th Batch

2nd Semester

752 510917 (AN) 510915 (SA) 510913 (JH)

4th Batch

5th Semester

757 530903 530903 530903

5th Batch

3rd Semester

751 Combined (AR) 520905(ZH) 520909(AN)

6th Batch

2nd Semester

752 510913 (JH) 510911 (SK) 510919 (FK)




First Year Second Semester
Course Code Course Title Faculty
510911 Business Mathematics Md. Saifuzzaman Khan (SK)
510913 General Science and Environment Md. Javed Hossain (JH)
510915 Microeconomics Shovon Arman (SA)
510917 First Aid, Safety and Security Md. Adnan Noor (AN)
510919 Fundamentals of Management Fatema Khatun (FK)
Second Year-Third Semester
520901 Hospitality Managerial Communication Md. Javed Hossain (JH)
520903 Business Statistics Ataus Samad (AS)
520905 Fundamentals of Accounting Md. Zaker Hossain Bhuiyan (ZH)
520907 Macro Economics and Economy of Bangladesh Shovon Arman (SA)
520909 Business Law and Legal Issues of Tourism Md. Adnan Noor (AN)
Third Year-Fifth Semester
530901 Tourism in Bangladesh Md. Javed Hossain (JH)
530903 Food and Beverage Production
530904 Food and Beverage Production (Practical)
530905 Food and Beverage Service Azizur Rahman (AR)
530906 Food and Beverage Service (Practical) Azizur Rahman (AR)
530907 Food Hygiene and Sanitation Md. Adnan Noor (AN)
530909 Tourism Planning and Development Md. Javed Hossain (JH)
Fourth Year-Seventh Semester
540901 Geography of Tourism Md. Javed Hossain (JH)
540903 Community and Cultural issues in Tourism Md. Adnan Noor (AN)
540905 Travel Agency and Tour Operations Azizur Rahman (AR)
540906 Travel Agency and Tour Operations (Practical) Azizur Rahman (AR)
540907 French Language Imdadul Haque Emon (IH)
540909 Tourism and Hospitality Entrepreneurship Shovan Arman (SA)









6th Batch

1st Year 2nd Semester



21 August 2023

Class Commence

From 20 September 2023

Assessment Week 01

ICT Training

11 October 2023

Renaissance Dhaka Visit

15 October 2023

Assessment Week 02

22 October 2023

Language Training

12 November 2023

2nd In-course Exam

As Per National University

Form Fill-up

20 December 2023

Get Together and Class off










4th Batch

3rd Year 5th Semester



Class Commence

06 June 2023

Assessment Week-01



28 June 2023

Industry Visit

16 July 2023

1st In-course Exam

25 July 2023

Assessment Week-02

16 August 2023

Property Management (Opera/ Nice Training)

01 September 2023

2nd In-course Exam

07 September 2023

Form Fill-up

15 September 2023

Get Together and Class off

29 September 2023










3rd Batch

4th Year 7th Semester



Class Commence

24 July 2023

Class Test



08 August 2023

1st In-course Exam

22 August 2023

Travel Agency Visit

29 August 2023

Assessment Week

12 September 2023

Familiar to GDS and PMS

18 September 2023

2nd In-course Exam

23 September 2023

Form Fill-up

30 September 2023

Get Together and Class End










Fundamentals of Tourism and Hospitality (Fill In The Blanks)

  1. Tourism is the activity of traveling to different places for ___________, recreation, or exploration.

Answer: leisure

  1. Tourists often seek to experience the local ___________, cuisine, and attractions of the destinations they visit.

Answer: culture

  1. Accommodations such as hotels, motels, and vacation rentals provide lodging for tourists during their ___________.

Answer: stay

  1. Sustainable tourism, also known as ___________, focuses on minimizing negative environmental impacts while promoting cultural preservation.

Answer: ecotourism

  1. The travel and tourism industry encompasses a wide range of services, including transportation, ___________, and entertainment.

Answer: hospitality

  1. Many destinations rely on tourism as a significant source of ___________ and economic growth.

Answer: revenue

7.Essential requirement for tourism are _____, money, mobility & motivation.

Answer: time.

8.The 5A’s of tourism are known as _________________.

Answer: components of tourism

9.The tourists, as per their ______ & desire select the destinations.

Answer: motivation.

  1. Responsible tourism encourages travelers to minimize their environmental impact, support local economies, and respect the ___________ and customs of the host community.

Answer: traditions

  1. The ________ component of tourism involves the physical act of traveling to a destination.

Answer: transportation

  1. ________ accommodations such as hotels, motels, and resorts play a crucial role in providing places for tourists to stay.

Answer: Hospitality

  1. ________ attractions, like museums, theme parks, and natural landmarks, are key elements that draw tourists to specific destinations.

Answer: Tourist

  1. Travel agencies and tour operators help with trip planning and booking, serving as intermediaries in the ________ industry.

Answer: tourism

  1. Tourist activities such as sightseeing, shopping, and dining are important for creating memorable ________ experiences.

Answer: tourism

  1. The ________ component of tourism includes the government policies, infrastructure, and marketing efforts that promote and support the industry.

Answer: destination

  1. Tourism and hospitality sectors contribute significantly to a destination’s ___________ by generating revenue through visitor spending.

Answer: economy

  1. Tourism can stimulate investments in infrastructure development, benefiting the overall ___________ of a destination.

Answer: development

  1. In times of economic downturn, tourism and hospitality can serve as a ___________ for employment opportunities.

Answer: lifeline

20.Tourism has huge impact both positive and negative on __________, society &  environment .

Answer: economy.

21.The tourism industry generates substantial _________ benefits to both the host countries and tourists home countries.

Answer: economic

22.Tourism jobs tend to be seasonal which has a _______ effect on a country’s economy.

Answer: negative

23.One of the social benefits of tourism is it encourages the learning of _________ & skill.

Answer: new language.

24.The eco-tourism can be used as a tool for saving ___________ and animal life better.

Answer: environment

25.Tourism and the hospitality is the largest _______ for many countries of the world.

Answer: service

26.____ is a broader concept  which encompasses many different types of services.

Answer: Tourism

27.Broadly tourism industry has been divided into ______ different service sectors/area.

Answer: 7

28.The hotel industry is perhaps one of the oldest ________ endeavors in the world.

Answer: commercial

  1. In times of economic downturn, tourism and hospitality can serve as a ___________ for employment opportunities.

Answer: lifeline

  1. Tourism can help diversify a region’s economy, reducing its dependence on a single ___________.

Answer: industry

31.___ can normally be classified according to size location, levels of service offered ownership and clientele.

Answer: Hotel

32.Hotels with 25 rooms or less are classified as _______ hotel.

Answer: small

33.Hotels that are located at _______________ are referred to as resort hotels.

Answer: tourist destinations

34.Suite hotels provide the ____ level of personalized services to guest.

Answer: highest

35.The ___ of marketing tourism summarize the special approach that is required.

Answer: 7P’s

36.Good _____ makes the price more attractive.

Answer: marketing

  1. Tourism can help diversify a region’s economy, reducing its dependence on a single ___________.

Answer: industry

38.Process of delivering ____ makes the units unique and competitive.

Answer: tourism services.

39.Fam trips are familiarization trips for the ___ industry.

Answer: travel

40._____ industry is now considered as the most prospective industry.

Answer: Tourism and hospitality

41.Bangladesh is proud of having three largest natural and man-made ____ products.

Answer: tourism

42.The ____ is designated as a natural world heritage site  in the country.

Answer: Sundarban

43.As of today, Bangladesh proudly owns three world heritage sites which are our priceless ___ assets.

Answer: tourism

  1. Tourism can help diversify a region’s economy, reducing its dependence on a single ___________.

Answer: industry

  1. Governments often collect taxes such as ___________ and sales tax from tourism-related activities.

Answer: occupancy

46.we are now passing through the ____ revolution.

Answer: 4th

47._____ has a subtropical monsoon climate.

Answer: Bangladesh

48.______ in European countries is more affected by climate.

Answer: Tourism

  1. The ___________ industry relies on the influx of tourists to sustain operations and profitability.

Answer: hospitality

50.The technology experts have been predicting for years that __________________ would disappear.

Answer: travel intermediaries

Fundamentals of Tourism and Hospitality MCQ

  1. What is the definition of tourism?
  2. a) The act of visiting a new place for recreational purposes
  3. b) The business of providing travel, accommodation, and other services to tourists
  4. c) The study of ancient civilizations and historical landmarks
  5. d) The process of promoting cultural exchange through international travel

Answer: d) The process of promoting cultural exchange through international travel

  1. Which of the following is not considered a type of tourism?
  2. a) Adventure tourism
  3. b) Ecotourism
  4. b) Manufacturing tourism
  5. c) Medical tourism
  6. d) Sports tourism
  7. e) Manufacturing tourism

Answer: e) Manufacturing tourism


  1. Which of the following is an example of a natural tourist attraction?
  2. a) Disneyland
  3. b) Eiffel Tower
  4. c) Great Barrier Reef
  5. d) Mount Rushmore

Answer: c) Great Barrier Reef

  1. What is the significance of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)?
  2. a) It aims to promote sustainable tourism practices globally.
  3. b) It provides guidelines for travel agencies.
  4. c) It organizes international tourism conferences.
  5. d) It determines visa regulations for international travelers.

Answer: a) It aims to promote sustainable tourism practices globally.

  1. Who is considered the father of modern tourism?
  2. a) Marco Polo
  3. b) Thomas Cook
  4. c) Christopher Columbus
  5. d) Ferdinand Magellan

Answer: a) Marco Polo


  1. Which of the following is not a stage in the tourism life cycle?
  2. a) Exploration
  3. b) Development
  4. c) Decline
  5. d) Detourism

Answer: d) Detourism

  1. Which term refers to the exchange of cultural ideas and experiences between tourists and locals?
  2. a) Cultural immersion
  3. b) Cultural diffusion
  4. c) Cultural integration
  5. d) Cultural appropriation

Answer: b) Cultural diffusion

  1. What does the acronym DMO stand for in tourism?
  2. a) Destination Management Organization
  3. b) Domestic Market Outreach
  4. c) Destination Marketing Organization
  5. d) Digital Media Operations

Answer: c) Destination Marketing Organization

  1. Which is the largest tourism market in the world?
  2. a) China
  3. b) United States
  4. c) France
  5. d) Germany

Answer: b) United States

  1. Which of the following is an example of a mega-event that can boost tourism?
  2. a) A local-farmers market
  3. b) A neighborhood block party
  4. c) The Olympic Games
  5. d) A city council meeting

Answer: c) The Olympic Games

  1. What is the practice of traveling to a specific location in order to receive medical treatment?
  2. a) Ecotourism
  3. b) Adventure tourism
  4. c) Medical tourism
  5. d) Heritage tourism

Answer: c) Medical tourism

  1. Which country receives the most international tourists annually?
  2. a) China
  3. b) France
  4. c) Spain
  5. d) United States

Answer: d) United States

  1. What is the primary economic benefit of tourism?
  2. a) Job creation
  3. b) Environmental sustainability
  4. c) Cultural preservation
  5. d) Economic diversification

Answer: a) Job creation

  1. Which of the following is not considered a travel motivation?
  2. a) Relaxation
  3. b) Adventure
  4. c) Fiscal responsibility
  5. d) Cultural exploration

Answer: c) Fiscal responsibility

  1. What is the term used to describe the practice of combining business and leisure travel?
  2. a) MICE tourism (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions)
  3. b) Voluntourism
  4. c) Culinary tourism
  5. d) Heritage tourism

Answer: b) Voluntourism

  1. Which of the following is not a sustainable tourism practice?
  2. a) Reducing waste and energy consumption
  3. b) Supporting local businesses and communities
  4. c) Encouraging over-tourism in popular destinations
  5. d) Promoting cultural sensitivity and respect

Answer: a) Reducing waste and energy consumption

  1. What is the main purpose of carrying capacity in tourism management?
  2. a) To limit the number of tourists in a destination
  3. b) To maximize profits for tourism businesses
  4. c) To promote sustainable tourism practices
  5. d) To enforce strict visa regulations

Answer: c) To promote sustainable tourism practices

  1. Which of the following is an example of a niche tourism market?
  2. a) Mass tourism
  3. b) Adventure tourism
  4. c) Business tourism
  5. d) Mainstream tourism

Answer: d) Mainstream tourism

  1. Which of the following is not a pillar of sustainable tourism development?
  2. a) Economic viability
  3. b) Environmental protection
  4. c) Cultural preservation
  5. d) Social equity

Answer: c) Cultural preservation

  1. What is the economic impact of leakage in tourism?
  2. a) It reduces the economic benefits of tourism for the host country.
  3. b) It promotes local job creation and entrepreneurship.
  4. c) It encourages sustainable tourism practices.
  5. d) It supports the growth of small businesses.

Answer: a) It reduces the economic benefits of tourism for the host country.

  1. Which of the following is not a determinant factor in tourism demand?
  2. a) Disposable income
  3. b) Accessibility
  4. c) Climate
  5. d) Cultural heritage

Answer: a) Disposable income

  1. What is the role of a tour operator in the tourism industry?
  2. a) To design and organize travel itineraries for individuals and groups
  3. b) To provide accommodation and transportation services to tourists
  4. c) To offer guided tours and sightseeing activities
  5. d) To market tourist destinations and attractions

Answer: a) To design and organize travel itineraries for individuals and groups

  1. Which of the following is a negative social impact of tourism?
  2. a) Increased employment opportunities
  3. b) Improved infrastructure developments
  4. c) Loss of cultural identity
  5. d) Enhanced community cohesion

Answer: c) Loss of cultural identity

  1. What is the purpose of a tourist information center?
  2. a) To provide travel advice and local information to tourists
  3. b) To sell travel insurance and currency exchange services
  4. c) To manage transportation and accommodation bookings
  5. d) To conduct guided tours and excursions

Answer: a) To provide travel advice and local information to tourists

  1. Which of the following is an example of an intangible tourism resource?
  2. a) Natural landscapes
  3. b) Historical landmarks
  4. c) Local customs and traditions
  5. d) Accommodation facilities

Answer: c) Local customs and traditions

  1. What is the role of a destination marketing organization (DMO)?
  2. a) To promote a specific tourist destination to potential visitors
  3. b) To regulate and monitor tourism businesses in a specific location
  4. c) To offer training and education programs for tourism professionals
  5. d) To develop and implement sustainable tourism policies

Answer: c) To offer training and education programs for tourism professionals

  1. What does the term “over tourism” refer to?
  2. a) The excessive number of tourists in a specific destination, leading to negative impacts
  3. b) The lack of tourists in a particular region, resulting in economic decline
  4. c) The practice of offering free tours to increase tourist arrivals
  5. d) The development of new tourist attractions and infrastructure

Answer: c) The practice of offering free tours to increase tourist arrivals

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of ecotourism?
  2. a) It promotes environmental conservation and sustainability
  3. b) It involves visiting natural areas and engaging in outdoor activities
  4. c) It focuses on luxury accommodations and high-end amenities
  5. d) It aims to educate and raise awareness about ecological issues

Answer: a) It promotes environmental conservation and sustainability

  1. What is the role of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)?
  2. a) To promote responsible and sustainable tourism practices globally
  3. b) To provide industry standards and guidelines for tourism businesses
  4. c) To conduct research on travel and tourism trends and statistics
  5. d) To organize international conferences and events for tourism professionals

Answer: a) To promote responsible and sustainable tourism practices globally

  1. Which country is known for its successful tourism slogan “Incredible India”?
  2. a) Thailand
  3. b) Australia
  4. c) India
  5. d) Spain

Answer: c) India

  1. What is the purpose of a tourist visa?
  2. a) To assess a person’s health and security risks before entering a country
  3. b) To determine the purpose and duration of a person’s visit to a foreign country
  4. c) To ensure that tourists have sufficient funds for their trip
  5. d) To provide travelers with discounts and benefits at tourist attractions

Answer: c) To ensure that tourists have sufficient funds for their trip

  1. Which of the following destinations is known for its wine tourism?
  2. a) Napa Valley, California
  3. b) Bali, Indonesia
  4. c) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  5. d) London, United Kingdom
  6. e) America, Canada

Answer: e) America, Canada

  1. What is the importance of transportation in the tourism industry?
  2. a) It facilitates the movement of tourists to and within destinations
  3. b) It provides employment opportunities for local communities
  4. c) It ensures the safety and security of tourists during their trips
  5. d) It determines the quality and satisfaction of the tourism experience

Answer: d) It determines the quality and satisfaction of the tourism experience

  1. Which of the following is an example of a cultural heritage site?
  2. a) Niagara Falls
  3. b) The Sydney Opera House
  4. c) The Pyramids of Giza
  5. d) The Statue of Liberty

Answer: a) Niagara Falls

  1. What is the impact of seasonality on tourism?
  2. a) It can lead to overcrowding and congestion in popular tourist destinations
  3. b) It allows for more affordable travel options during off-peak seasons
  4. c) It supports local economies by creating jobs and generating income
  5. d) It promotes cultural exchange and interaction between tourists and locals

Answer: c) It supports local economies by creating jobs and generating income

  1. What is the purpose of sustainable tourism certification programs?
  2. a) To recognize and promote tourism businesses that adhere to sustainable practices
  3. b) To increase the cost of tourism services, discouraging over-tourism
  4. c) To provide training and education programs for tourism professionals
  5. d) To create barriers for entry into the tourism industry for small businesses

Answer: a) To recognize and promote tourism businesses that adhere to sustainable practices

  1. Which of the following is not considered an alternative form of tourism?
  2. a) Wellness tourism
  3. b) Cultural tourism
  4. c) Volunteer tourism
  5. d) Food tourism

Answer: c) Volunteer tourism

  1. What is the main objective of a community-based tourism initiative?
  2. a) To empower local communities and allow them to benefit from tourism
  3. b) To promote sustainable tourism practices and protect natural resources
  4. c) To provide affordable travel options for budget-conscious tourists
  5. d) To preserve and showcase local cultural heritage and traditions

Answer: b) To promote sustainable tourism practices and protect natural resources

  1. What is the role of a hotel concierge in the tourism industry?
  2. a) To assist hotel guests with their travel arrangements and sightseeing activities
  3. b) To manage the financial transactions and accounting of a hotel
  4. c) To provide entertainment and recreational activities for hotel guests
  5. d) To ensure the cleanliness and maintenance of hotel rooms and facilities

Answer: a) To assist hotel guests with their travel arrangements and sightseeing activities

  1. What is the purpose of a destination management plan?
  2. a) To provide guidelines for sustainable tourism development in a specific location
  3. b) To encourage mass tourism and increase tourist arrivals in a destination
  4. c) To establish strict regulations and restrictions for tourist behavior
  5. d) To promote destination loyalty through loyalty programs and incentives

Answer: d) To promote destination loyalty through loyalty programs and incentives

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a successful tourist destination?
  2. a) Accessibility and efficient transportation infrastructure
  3. b) Availability of a wide range of accommodation options
  4. c) Focus on cultural preservation at the expense of economic development
  5. d) Variety of attractions and recreational activities

Answer: c) Focus on cultural preservation at the expense of economic development

  1. What is the role of a tour guide in the tourism industry?
  2. a) To provide informative commentary and guidance during tours and excursions
  3. b) To manage the marketing and promotion of tourist destinations
  4. c) To coordinate transportation and accommodation bookings for tourists
  5. d) To enforce the rules and regulations of tourist attractions and landmarks

Answer: a) To provide informative commentary and guidance during tours and excursions

  1. How much room mandatory for small hotel?
  2. a) 26
  3. b) 125
  4. c) 25
  5. d) 16

Answer: c) 25

  1. Which category hotels are not popular in these days?
  2. a) Retirement
  3. b) commercial
  4. c) floating
  5. d) International

Answer: a) retirement

  1. How much was approximately at the tariff in 1974?
  2. a) $18
  3. b) $39
  4. c) $10
  5. d) $35

Answer: c)10

  1. which is not the seven wonders of the ancient?
  2. a) Great pyramids
  3. b) the statue of Zeus
  4. c) the great lighthouse
  5. d) the Louvre museum

Answer: d) the Louvre museum

  1. Bon voyage means-
  2. a) safe holiday
  3. b) good bye
  4. c) good morning
  5. d) good to go

Answer: b) good bye

  1. Which is not including in the elements of tourism?
  2. a) accessibility
  3. b) Accommodation
  4. c) Transportation
  5. d) pleasing weather

Answer: c) Transportation

  1. How to contribute to tourism?
  2. a) To create tourism awareness among the people
  3. b) show the negativities of tourism
  4. c) to rude behavior with foreign tourists

Answer: a) To create tourism awareness among the people

  1. Which tourism is related with sport?
  2. a) mass tourism
  3. b) sports tourism
  4. c) medical tourism

Answer: b) sports tourism

Fundamentals of Tourism and Hospitality (True and False)

  1. All travel is tourism.

Answer: False

(Correct Answer: All travel is not tourism, rather travel is one of the important components of tourism)

  1. Tourism displacement can be with or without an overnight stay.

Answer: True

  1. A day visit is a visitor who stays for a long time at the place visited.

  Answer: False

(Correct Answer: A day visitors is a visitor who does not spend the night at the place visited)

  1. The institutional perspective emphasizes institutions such as government departments or organizations.

Answer: True

  1. Historical perspective helps to plan historical and ethnographic sites.

Answer: True

  1. Local people face business and security problems due to tourists.

Answer: False

(Correct Answer: Creates jobs and business opportunities to local people)

  1. Tourism promotes understanding between people of different cultures.

Answer: True

8.Sports tourism refers to international travel either for viewing or participating in a sporting event.

Answer: True

  1. Eco-tourism damages the environment and wildlife

Answer: False

(Correct Answer: The eco-tourism can be used as a tool for respecting environment and animal life better)

  1. Tourists are easy targets for terrorists and criminals

Answer: True

  1. A second recognizable Egyptian tourist characteristic was the urge to acquire souvenirs.

Answer: True

  1. Egyptians visited the pyramids to participate in religious festivals and cultural events

Answer: False

(Correct Answer: Egyptians travelled to the Nile to participate in religious festivals and cultural events)

  1. Early Egyptians also bought valuable souvenirs and special items abroad for their friends and relatives

  Answer: True

  1. Tourism has many hidden costs, which can have an adverse economic impact on host communities.

Answer: True

  1. A positive impact of tourism can refer to increase in foreign exchange earnings.

  Answer: True

  1. Cultural tourism education and the concept of local indigenous culture are not available

  Answer: False

(Correct Answer: Cultural tourism provides opportunities for education and understanding the local indigenous culture)

17.Commodification of culture means the commodification of culture and therefore the packaging and selling of it for consumption.

Answer: True

  1. A demonstration effect occurs when there is a high degree of difference between the host and the tourist.

Answer: True

  1. Water, and especially fresh water, is one of the most critical natural resources.

Answer: True

20.The advent of the Industrial Revolution in America brought some new taverns and tavern keeping businesses.

Answer: False

(Correct Answer: The advent of the Industrial Revolution in England brought some new inn keeping and business of inn keeping)

21.The lodging consists of hotels, motels, resorts, and bed and breakfasts.

  Answer: True

  1. The resort hotel has a very calm and natural environment.

Answer: True

  1. Motels are lodging properties that float on water.

  Answer: False

(Correct Answer: Motels are located primarily on highways and provide modest lodging to highway travelers)

  1. Boutique hotels are very small and expensive hotels and mainly for the elite class.

Answer: True

  1. Front office is called the heart of the hotel.

Answer: True

  1. Front office is the communication center of the hotel.

  Answer: True

  1. Food and beverage manufacturing is a visible department to guests.

Answer: False

(Correct Answer: Food and beverage production is not a visible department to the guest because it usually works in the back area)

  1. Independent hotels are on ownership basis and do not have any affiliation or contract through any other property.

Answer: True

30.Resort are also called as apartment hotels or apartment house.

Answer: False

(Correct answer: Residential hotels are also called as apartment hotels or apartment house.)

31.Resort hotels are located at resort places such as island, exotic locations, hill stations, beaches etc.

Answer: True

32.Suburban hotels are situated in the heart of the city i.e. downtown busy commercial areas and urbans area.

Answer: False

(Correct answer: Commercial hotels are situated in the heart of the city i.e. downtown busy commercial areas and urbans area.)

33.International hotels are situated in Metropolitan cities and provide modern western style luxury of their guest.

Answer: True

34.Motels accommodation is ranked with hotels in general in many countries.

Answer: True

  1. Operators must have low-level service to initially complete the sale.

Answer: False

(Correct answer: Operators must have high-level services to initially complete the sale.)

  1. The key service component of the tourism experience is planning.

Answer: True

  1. According to a Google Travel study, 74% of the global travelers plan then trips on the internet.

Answer: True

  1. In tourism technological trends are critical.

Answer: False

(Correct answer: In tourism technological trends are favorable.)

  1. Boli Khela roughly translates to “Game of strong men” or “Game of Wrestlers” into English.

Answer: True

  1. Bali Khela is popular in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Answer: False

(Correct answer: Bali khela is popular in Chattogram Bangladesh)

  1. Mahasthangarh extend along the Western Lark of the River Padma.

Answer: False

(Correct answer: Mahasthangarh extend along the Western Lark of the River Korotoya)

  1. Lalbagh Fort was built by Bengal Prince Mohamad Azam.

Answer: True

  1. Paharpur is not a world heritage site of Bangladesh.

Answer: False

(Correct answer: Pahanpur is a world heritage site of Bangladesh.

  1. Mosque City of Bagerhat known as the UNESCO hostage site.

Answer: True

  1. Baucchi refers to a young lady.

Answer: False

(Correct answer: Bauccchi refers to an old lady)

  1. Game of tag is the national game of Bangladesh.

Answer: True

  1. When setting prices of tourism services it is important to consider the willingness of the target market to pay for the product or service you provide.

Answer: True

  1. A tourism product is the collection of services that have features and Benefits.

Answer: True

  1. Tourists come to destinations where they find danger and uncomfortable place to take a rest and sleep.

Answer: False

(Correct answer: Tourists come to destinations where they find safe and comfortable place to take a nest and sleep.)

  1. When setting prices of tourism services it is important to consider the price charged by the competition offering a similar product to the some target market.

Answer: True